
Conservative, and ready to debate

A little bit offensive. I hope so [Letters, May 13]. I want to thank Victoria Grostick for her letter responding to my earlier comments. I thank her because she proves the point made in my letter that many liberals are incapable of understanding and respecting differences of opinion.

She states that Elisabeth Hasselbeck and I are a “little bit” offensive. Victoria, this is what freedom of speech is all about. Constructive disagreements and diverse opinions are what makes this country great, don’t you agree?

I find that when someone makes personal attacks they do so because they can’t or won’t argue the facts.


The question is, could a liberal sit down and discuss differences of opinion on issues without making it personal?

I stick by my original comments that many liberals, in this case the people who had written letters attacking Hasselbeck and who called the people who voted for George Bush ignorant, can’t -- because they cannot tolerate an opinion different than theirs.

And your letter proved me right.


Laguna Niguel
