
London calling

Dear Commissioner Bettman,

Thank you for the most unanticipated NHL opener in history. Just when I think that you cannot possibly ruin the NHL any further, you go ahead and prove all of us NHL fans wrong again.

Thank you to catering to the worst owner in the NHL by filling another one of his arenas, in where? London? Hang in there, Kansas City, you’ll be taken care of soon.

Thanks for a game in London at 9 a.m. on FSN West.

And thanks for filling up AEG’s coffers a little more.

Steven Parks

North Hollywood


Todd Bertuzzi might be the nicest guy in the world off the ice. He might be a wonderful husband and father and teammate, but for a brief moment, he went homicidal in front of about 15,000 fans at the Vancouver arena and millions of people watching the game on their TV sets. Just because Bertuzzi was playing a game doesn’t make what he did right.


Steve Moore will never play hockey again. Todd Bertuzzi will continue to draw a nice NHL paycheck for at least a few more years. Hopefully, Steve Moore will get some justice in the civil court system.

David Ferris

