
Mercenaries are war criminals

Re “America’s own unlawful combatants?” Oct. 15

The government of Iraq wants Blackwater USA out of Iraq. Can you blame it? Blackwater contractors are accountable to neither U.S. courts nor Iraqi courts. They are mercenaries immune from justice. Get them out. Use the money we are paying them to raise the salaries of U.S. soldiers. Maybe then our military men and women will be more likely to reenlist rather than “going Blackwater.”

Ex-soldiers can make thousands of dollars more as Backwater employees -- and without that nasty business of actually being held accountable for their actions.

Randal Seech

San Clemente


Although The Times has some difficulty classifying the legal role of mercenaries hired by the United States to operate in Iraq, Article 3 of the International Convention Against the Recruitment, Use, Financing and Training of Mercenaries is much clearer: “A mercenary


Michael Haas

Los Angeles
