
Early voters have no regrets

Re “Early birds miss the point,” Opinion, Jan. 31

We voted by mail one week ago. There has been nothing said or done since to make us wish we had waited.

The obnoxious television ads with their half-truths, lies and innuendo would not change the minds of intelligent voters who had studied the voter’s guide that was sent out by the state.

As far as the candidates not finishing their race, so be it. Because our votes for the presidential candidates were cast based on our study of their past actions, practices and moral and fiscal integrity, these cannot be altered by ads that talk about everything else.


Some years ago, I worked for a man who said, “Don’t tell me what you are going to do, tell me what you have done.” I apply that to the slate of candidates for any office.

Richard Rorex

Apple Valley, Calif.


Sorry, Patt Morrison, I’m one of those birds who voted early, and I did so because I couldn’t wait another day to express my preference for a candidate who almost perfectly voiced my political agenda. That that candidate subsequently withdrew doesn’t change my support and admiration for him. I find it insulting to be constantly reminded by the media not to throw away my vote; on the contrary, my conscience tells me that expressing my true preference always makes me a better citizen.

Joseph Saint-Clair

Costa Mesa
