
Brewer treads water

Re “Power to change schools sought,” June 28

Again, thanks to LAUSD Supt. David L. Brewer’s own words, we are made aware of what folly it was to hire a former admiral to head a large urban school district.

Brewer’s metaphor equating principals with ship captains who have the power of God would only lead to further failures. As a substitute teacher in the district, I have encountered many truly incompetent principals who were elevated beyond their abilities and were toxic to their school environment.

Children are not ships, and principals are not infallible. They must never be given god-like power. The good ones know better than to want it. The inept would use it and abuse it.



Golden Gottlieb

Los Angeles

I am a relatively new public school parent (my child just finished second grade), but during my three years on the front lines, I have had the opportunity to work with three very different types of principals.

All are great people who care about kids and the district. All are great principals. But only one, our current principal, is a great principal for the melting pot that is our community.

Here lies the problem for many LAUSD schools -- what if your principal is not the right person to captain your “ship”?




Silver Lake
