
SB 60: ‘License lite’

Re “Get real on Real ID,” Editorial, June 6

I think it’s time for The Times to “get real” on Real ID. Think about it for a moment: If this passes, you’re going to tell all the illegals to run down to their local DMV office (which will only be open between 10 and noon on alternate Tuesdays by then).

News to The Times: Illegals don’t want to give up their pictures, addresses or thumbprints.

And one of the joys of license-free driving is insurance-free driving. Listen, if I’m inclined to hit-and-run, having a “license lite” isn’t going to prevent me from running.


The folks who would sign up for an SB 60 driver’s license aren’t the folks the government really wants in its database anyway.

Javier Marroquin

Los Angeles


If SB 60 passes through the Assembly, it will allow illegal aliens to obtain driver’s licenses in California.

Driver’s license or not, an illegal alien legally driving a vehicle in the United States is an oxymoron.


James Hopkins

Long Beach


What is needed is a realistic guest-worker program, in which individuals from foreign countries could be issued permits to work in the U.S. and which would allow them to cross the border in either direction at will.

Their wages would be subject to a “guest-workers tax” (similar to our Social Security tax) that would be used to pay for services they receive, such as medical expenses or schooling. With this program in place, it would be easy to issue provisional driver’s licenses.

The biggest problem is overseeing the businesses that hire these workers. Enforcement would have to be a high priority and penalties costly.


James T. Phillips



Exactly how do you propose doing background checks on 2 million illegal aliens? Oh yeah, and requiring them to take a written test -- in Spanish, of course.

You don’t mention buying liability insurance, which I doubt they would anyway. If passed, SB 60 would result in more hit-and-run fatalities, not less.

Sorry, but the sole purpose of Real ID is to reward illegal aliens with even more benefits to which they are not entitled, not driver safety.

Randle C. Sink

Huntington Beach


Your editorial argues that our roads would be safer if all drivers were required to pass a test and get a license.

California Vehicle Code Section 12500(a) already provides that a person may not drive a motor vehicle unless properly licensed.

Dror Toister

