

Re “Turn off the Obamathon,” Opinion, June 12

Will someone tell the shameless self-promoter known as Bill Maher that the reason he sees President Obama everywhere is because people want to see him?

I don’t rubber-stamp everything the president does, but I’d rather see his face than Maher’s any time. Here’s a comedian who doesn’t get it.

Actually, I want to see more of the president. You know why? Because he is inspiring and is obviously trying hard to keep Americans engaged in the political process. Wake up.


Carine Fabius

Los Angeles


The Earth stood still this morning. I agreed with Maher. Obamathon needs to stop. Obama for breakfast, lunch and dinner deserves muting.

Jane Callahan



It’s about time that people are actually taking an interest in the leader of the free world. After having dealt with eight years of agony, it’s absolutely refreshing to see the president, the first family and the White House open and portrayed in a light that is more than just a “center of power and might.”

I don’t mind that my president is concerned about how he looks. Maybe this concern, unlike his predecessor, may give him pause in his decision-making process.


Victor Franco Jr.



Maher is dead wrong.

Obama is using the “bully pulpit” by going directly to the people in order to keep his promise to change Washington. Obama knows that change must come from the bottom up. We the people must demand change. Thus he gets out of the White House as much as he can to talk directly to the people.

Maher also complains that Obama is still acting like a celebrity. Bill, I’ll let you in on a secret. Any president of our country is a celebrity.

Leon M. Salter

Los Angeles
