
Avoiding ATM fees abroad

Regarding Catharine Hamm’s On the Spot column about ATM/credit card fees [“A Fee Frenzy,” June 21]. Yes, it is your responsibility to be aware of fees. However, when you notify your bank that you will be out of the country, it’s not tough to inquire about ATMs that can be used without a charge.

I know that Banco Serfin in Mexico has a relationship with Bank of America. Even if the screen asks me to agree to a transaction fee, it won’t be charged. After having had only Bank of America credit cards for years, we got one from Capital One, the only issuer that charges no international transaction fees and continues to give us 2% cash back! They have also been incredibly accommodating internationally. Once when they killed the card due to an “internal problem,” they had new cards sent by FedEx to our motor home in Mexico, and paid for seven nights’ accommodations while we waited for their arrival.

Jane Hogle

and Ray Talley

