
Waiting by vets isn’t new

Re “Vets hurry up and wait,” Sept. 25, and “VA to issue stopgap payments,” Sept. 27

I read with interest -- and a little humor -- the stories about the “late” payments to the vets for their GI benefits for schooling. It was taking about a month for the payments to start. As usual, the talk-show people were blaming President Obama.

In 1956, I finished my four-year hitch in the Navy and enrolled at San Diego State College. My GI Bill forms were filed in a timely manner, and my wife assures me we waited for at least three months (or until December) for the first of my $135 in monthly benefits. ( I “earned” 36 months of payments for my four years in the Navy.)

Our landlord waited patiently for his rent payments those first three months.

Hmmm, do you suppose somehow that delay in 1956 was Obama’s fault too?

Gale Poppen

