
Pipsqueaks rule this runway

Even if you haven’t watched in a while, talk about:

“America’s Next Top Model.” The 13th cycle of the CW show is the shorty edition! Aspiring models 5-foot-7 and under only, please. And because their dreams are far-fetched to begin with -- Tyra may be saying yes, ladies, but designers will be saying no -- this group of girls is more desperate and high-pitched than any others in recent memory. Love it. (Wednesday)

You’ll want to talk about: “Sorority Row”

If only to watch someone from “The Hills” get whacked in a most awesomely gruesome way in the first 10 minutes! (Friday)

And while we’re talking about getting whacked, it’s a shame no one talked about: “Harper’s Island”


At least you can give it a chance now. The gorefest about a serial killer running amok during one unfortunate couple’s wedding weekend is out on DVD, and it’s worth a look. Ignore that this horror series ran on CBS, the network that brings you “Ghost Whisperer” and “CSI.” We’re talking a healthy dose of camp, a murder mystery and creative killings -- that’s plural -- in every episode. (Tuesday)

You better talk about: “Glee”

Seriously, it’s that good. And it’s not that kind of musical, either. When the high school comedy returns on Fox from its four-month hiatus, the glee clubbers will go on a recruiting spree by sexing up their act. How? A little Kanye West -- oh, yes, Mr. Schuester is going to rap, and he’s going to kill it -- and some old school Salt-N-Pepa. Sign us up! (Wednesday)

I want to talk about: “Official Book Club Selection: A Memoir According to Kathy Griffin”

In her first memoir, Griffin name-checks her way down memory lane, chronicling her rise to the D-list. (Lesser celebrities: “Check the index,” she warns.) She also opines on her plastic surgery, divorce and training for stand-up at the dinner table. Essential reading for fans of reality TV. (Tuesday)


You’ve already got the Beatles. Talk instead about: Jay-Z’s “The Blueprint 3”

Remastered editions of virtually every Beatles album are out this week. Don’t let it cloud over that Jay-Z’s long-awaited sequel to “Blueprint 2” is also available. The disc leaked online last week, and may I suggest fast-forwarding to “On to the Next One,” featuring Swizz Beatz, in which Hova is at his best, wrestling with his own sonic ambitions. (Tuesday)

-- Denise Martin
