
Biden helps Boxer raise reelection funds

An appearance by Vice President Joe Biden at a Beverly Hills luncheon Saturday yielded several hundred thousand dollars for the 2010 reelection campaign of U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.).

“I know up close and personal just what a fighter for her state and for this country Barbara Boxer is,” Biden said of his former Senate colleague in remarks to more than 100 donors gathered at businessman Ron Burkle’s mansion in Benedict Canyon.

Without mentioning the leading potential GOP challenger by name, Biden suggested that Carly Fiorina could pose a threat to the Democratic incumbent with the huge personal fortune she built as Hewlett Packard’s chief executive.


She faces an uphill battle in a state that has leaned heavily Democratic in recent years, but Boxer has used the businesswoman’s potential candidacy as a tool to raise money.

Also on hand were former basketball star Magic Johnson, L.A. Lakers player Derek Fisher and former Gov. Gray Davis.


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