
Hey, eyes up here, boss

Dear Amy: In an effort to build team spirit, our office had a group outing. My friend had a meltdown.

An elderly male principal in the firm calmed her and offered to go for a walk. He then persuaded her to visit a local museum.

Rather than view the paintings, he ogled her behind. She told me it made her very uncomfortable.


I’ve recommended she report this sexual harassment to human resources. But she’s afraid this man will retaliate. He is still ogling her behind whenever he thinks no one is looking.

How can I help?

Worried in D.C.

Dear Worried: You should encourage your friend to put this man on notice that she doesn’t like what he’s doing.

Ogling might not be sexual harassment, but it contributes to a hostile work environment.

Your friend should try to handle this on her own, but if she can’t or if it doesn’t help (or if the ogling escalates), she should go to HR.


It is likely that this man is a known ogler. It is possible that HR won’t do anything. But if HR puts him on notice that an employee had made a complaint and he retaliates, she would have a sexual harassment case.

Smart executives don’t want that kind of trouble.

Send questions to Amy Dickinson by e-mail to [email protected].
