
84% of professionals believe in career luck: LinkedIn survey

Lady Luck is a career girl, according to the vast majority of professionals around the world taking part in a recent poll, with 84% saying that luck is a factor in how well they do at work.

And nearly half said they believe that they’re luckier in their occupations than their office comrades, according to the survey of 7,000 workers around the world by LinkedIn, a social network for professionals.

Of the 15 countries included in the survey, the U.S. ranked seventh in the number of workers who consider themselves lucky. The number of Japanese and South Korean workers who think that way made those countries No. 1 and 2 on the luck list, respectively.


But luck doesn’t come easily. Respondents said that other qualities contribute to good fortune, including strong communications skills, flexibility and networking abilities.

Seven out of 10 respondents said that a strong work ethic, not a rabbit’s foot, is the most important prerequisite (though a 2010 study from the University of Cologne suggests that lucky charms may help improve performance).

Employment site offers some other ways to boost career luck, including keeping skills up to date, being on the prowl for networking opportunities and staying positive.


Too bad St. Patrick’s Day is on March 17. That’s a Saturday this year -- a day when many workers won’t be in the office to take advantage of the luck of the Irish.


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