
Readers on East L.A.’s Chicano Moratorium and unconventional TV political conventions

Scenes from the National Chicano Moratorium Against the Vietnam War, which took place in East L.A. on Aug. 29, 1970.
Scenes from the National Chicano Moratorium Against the Vietnam War, which took place in East Los Angeles on Aug. 29, 1970.
(Photo illustration by Martina Ibáñez-Baldor / Los Angeles Times. Photographs from Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Herald Examiner, Raul Ruiz, Special Collections & Archives, John F. Kennedy Memorial Library, Cal State L.A., Gloria Arellanes Papers.)

Re: “The Chicano Moratorium: 50 Years Later,” Aug. 23: I was 1 year old during the Chicano Moratorium, living with my mother in East L.A. I worked for Supervisor Gloria Molina for 16 years and served on the board of LA Plaza de Cultura y Arte for 10 years. Still, I learned so much reading the Times’ documentation of the Chicano Moratorium.

The coverage is informed, moving and deeply personal. It is validating to see my community’s history told from the perspective of the community and placed in context to the historical events of today. I appreciate having this movement celebrated as an important milestone in the L.A. story.

Miguel A. Santana
Los Angeles

Re: “The Revolt That Led to the Chicana Movement,” by Vanessa Martinez and Julia Barajas, Aug. 23: Recently the L.A. Times published an article about the Brown Berets and David Sanchez. Myself and many other people in the organization present-day believe it was misleading and very distracting from what was accomplished all those years ago. Small quarrels from within the group shouldn’t distract from the great work the East L.A. Free Clinic did: free healthcare for young women and men of a community that couldn’t afford good healthcare. We have a member today who had her first pregnancy test at the clinic all those years ago.


Our current Brown Beret National Party is still led by Dr. David Sanchez 50 years on. And despite the attacks about the organization being in some ways antiwoman, our membership has a majority of strong women.

Christopher Morales
Los Angeles

Unconventional convention season

Thank you for Lorraine Ali’s comedy piece on the Democratic National Convention [“It Was Unconventional — and It Worked,” Aug. 22].

It was bad television at its best and a total waste of air time at its worst. The viewership and content was so bad that it even made CNN look good.


David L. McDaniel
Capistrano Beach


My parents bought our first TV in 1951. The next summer were the two national nominating conventions. I was glued to the tube and became a political junkie at age 11.

I taught history and government for over two decades. Earned MAs in history and political science.

I thoroughly enjoyed watching last week’s convention. Two hours a night was just right.

Lorraine Ali is correct: “[U]nbound from the old rules, there should be no going back.”

Mary Anne Vincent


The Democratic Convention was great. Now what? How do Democrats win?

They need to destroy Trump’s claims of results. What could and should Trump have done during early stages of COVID-19 to minimize its devastation to America?


What was economic growth during the Obama and Trump presidencies? How much economic and job growth in the Trump presidency was he primarily responsible for?

What percent of Americans have enough savings for a financial future? Who did tax cuts primarily benefit?

What did Trump achieve with immigration policy? Has there been positive movement during the Trump presidency for people to earn a more livable wage?

Is it in America’s interests to alienate our long-term allies across the world?

Does Trump have a plan to make quality healthcare available to all?

Has Trump divided the country so severely to put our nation at risk of splintering?

What can we expect from another four years of Donald J. Trump?

Sid Pelston
Marina del Rey


Thank you for Lorraine Ali’s commentary. The virtual convention was the first convention in my life I’ve been able to watch from beginning to end.

The cameos of all of the normal people was amazing.

I hope we never go back to the old format.

Houston Harte
Santa Barbara


Nice review of the Democratic National Convention and a look forward to Trump’s. I skipped it and watched the Dodgers.

Joe’s already got my vote (and a few dollars).

Bob Wieting

Simi Valley

Family leave act

Mary McNamara’s column about Kellyanne Conway [“Oh, So Now You’re Leaving?” Aug. 25] was very Trump-like.


Cruel as can be.

McNamara has the audacity to pretend she knows everything about Conway’s motives and about what’s best for Conway and her family. In essence, she’s declaring herself a better parent than Conway.

McNamara essentially blames Conway for the COVID-19 crisis, as if Conway were the president.

I suppose McNamara would be cheering if she heard that the Conways were divorcing. Kellyanne Conway may have different political views, but McNamara should butt out when it comes to judging another family’s personal decisions.

Robert Bubnovich

Favorite features

Regarding the Sunday Calendar Section, Aug 23: There was no listing of weekly TV suggestions and no listing of bestselling books.

I really missed those.

K. Ramos

San Pedro

Editor’s note: TV This Week, Calendar Feedback and the Bestsellers lists had all been budgeted to run in the Aug. 23 Sunday Calendar, but late ad changes forced them to be dropped from that issue.
