
Today’s editor’s picks

Times Staff Writer

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Babies with low iron levels grow up impaired-study (Reuters)

Children who had low levels of iron as infants grow up with brain deficiencies -- even if they get early treatment, U.S. researchers reported Monday.


Study: Steroid Use May Fuel Crime (LiveScience via Fox)

Steroid users appear more likely to commit crimes involving weapons and fraud, scientists in Sweden report.

Three-way punch to lung cancer (UPI)


Doctors said Monday that radiation treatment combined with chemotherapy after lung cancer surgery can double the survival time for patients with cancer that hasn`t yet spread through the body.

U.S. experiment uses AIDS to fight AIDS (Reuters)

An AIDS virus genetically engineered to fight other AIDS viruses worked better than expected, suppressing the virus and renewing the immune systems of a few patients, researchers reported Monday.


Got warts? Duct tape won’t help (China View)

The Internet says a quick and easy way to remove warts is to use duct tape. A recent Dutch study says the Internet is wrong.
