Street Culture: F Yeah Fest in Echo Park
By Tara Godvin, Los Angeles Times
Hordes of young, clothes-conscious alt-rock fans -- a surfeit of whom claimed, curiously and conveniently, to be just 21 -- descended on Echo Park on Aug. 30 and 31 to listen to more than 30 local bands. In an area that is the nexus of the city’s vegan and vegetarian restaurants, swinging half a cow’s worth of leather in the form of a Birkin bag over one’s shoulder is decidedly uncool. Here these young ‘uns hailing from all over SoCal show how they deftly express their own rock and retro-inspired selves with the money they didn’t spend in a visit to Hermès.
Twenty-one-year-olds Leah Schambelan and Sydne Wdemeyer came down from Santa Barbara for the event. (Tara Godvin / Los Angeles Times)
Hordes of young, clothes-conscious alt-rock fans -- a surfeit of whom claimed, curiously and conveniently, to be just 21 -- descended on Echo Park on Aug. 30 and 31 to listen to more than 30 local bands.
Jesus Rivera sports a syncretic style topping a mix up of 70s rocker and “Thriller”-era Michael Jackson with the specs of Run-DMC. (Tara Godvin / Los Angeles Times)
Michael Runion, who performed a set at the Jensen Rec Center as part of the festival, relaxes with local Faith Crawford out in front of the Echo. “I live right up the block,” said Crawford. (Tara Godvin / Los Angeles Times)
Purple-panted Joshua Brandon suggested here to a purple-shirted Shana Dahl that they look into each others’ eyes as if they were in love. (Tara Godvin / Los Angeles Times)
Jackie Perez managed to pull off the combo of fishnets, crinoline, keffiyeh, velvety hat and ... spats! Her companions are Brando Maiki and Mike Z. (Tara Godvin / Los Angeles Times)
Vadi Erdao, Shasa Negra and Breana Frish await entrance to the Echoplex. (Tara Godvin / Los Angeles Times)
Ianthe Villarruel wore a T-shirt bearing the name of her father’s Tijuana-based punk band Solución Mortal. Beside her is her husband Vincent Cordova. (Tara Godvin / Los Angeles Times)
Michael Perry _ wearing monochromatic plastic sunglasses _ accompanies Vanessa Lynch, Borrah Jackson and Vanessa Salazar to the shows. (Tara Godvin / Los Angeles Times)
Jenna Thornhill, who played earlier at the fest with band Mika Miko, hangs out in the street _ literally _ with friends. (Tara Godvin / Los Angeles Times)
Danny Diaz and Andrew Selna stand in the last rays of Saturday’s sunshine outside Selna’s new art space up the street from the Echo, The Clinic of Echo Park, which functioned during the festival as the F Yeah Annex Stage, featuring such bands as War Tapes and Rumpspringa. (Tara Godvin / Los Angeles Times)
Neil Popkin, of the band War Tapes which played earlier in the day, and Britney Tharaldson pause for a pose on Sunset Blvd. (Tara Godvin / Los Angeles Times)
A group gathers and giggles inside The Clinic on Sunset Blvd. (Tara Godvin / Los Angeles Times)
Ilicia Nishioka and Laura Lazarus were among a number of attendees who said they lived just up the street from the F Yeah Fest’s home base at the Echo on Sunset Blvd. (Tara Godvin / Los Angeles Times)
Anish Patel, Christina Chang, Tara Storocynsky and David Alonzo outside the Echoplex. Storoncynsky said she came to the festival to see Glass Candy but heard that Crystal Atlers was also “cool live.” (Tara Godvin / Los Angeles Times)
Among the many piercings to be seen at the F Yeah Fest, Kathlena Gagnon’s was perhaps the most subtle _ a sparkling stone beauty spot. (Tara Godvin / Los Angeles Times)
Alex Nicolaou said he was from Los Angeles, but Cecilia Della Peruti claimed residency in New Jersey _ for now. “I intend on being transient 6 months,” she said. (Tara Godvin / Los Angeles Times)
Hordes of young, clothes-conscious alt-rock fans -- a surfeit of whom claimed, curiously and conveniently, to be just 21 -- descended on Echo Park on Aug. 30 and 31 to listen to more than 30 local bands. Here Alex Sanchez and Can Casual share a kiss inside the Echoplex. (Tara Godvin / Los Angeles Times)
Heather Brosche came up for the festival from San Diego. She said she and other San Diegans made the two-hour journey north for the shows, “ ya know, because San Diego is just kind of dry and barren.” (Tara Godvin / Los Angeles Times)
“We’re just checking it out, basically. I heard Abe Vigoda was playing and No Age,” said Marlon Rabenreither, pictured here with Rebecca Pauline en route to the Echo. (Tara Godvin / Los Angeles Times)
Ella Salonen of Los Angeles in a stripy sun dress inside the Echo. (Tara Godvin / Los Angeles Times)
Cat Murphy and Mick Crays were wide-eyed while waiting outside the Echoplex. (Tara Godvin / Los Angeles Times)
Alexis Florio and Brooke Alexajon on Glendale Blvd. beside the entrance to the Echoplex. (Tara Godvin / Los Angeles Times)