
Notable deaths in 2008

Actor Paul Newman died this year. So did Larry Harmon, who was better known as “Bozo the Clown”; W. Mark Felt, who was the mysterious “Deep Throat”; and William Stulla, who as “Engineer Bill” delighted a generation of children with a simple glass of milk.

William F. Buckley, the father of the modern conservative movement also left the scene, as did singer and self-proclaimed “sex kitten” Eartha Kitt and the Nobel Prize-winning playwright Harold Pinter.

Millionaire Steve Fossett’s adventurer’s life came to an end after a plane crash on a California hillside. And, after 28 years in a coma, socialite Martha “Sunny” von Bulow died in December.

Here are lists of the major newsmakers in a wide range of categories who died in 2008.
