West Coast Graffiti Party
Mark Demonaco from Montclair carrys a metal sculpture replica of a 1968 Krylon spray can. Although is doesn’t have paint inside, it does have a metal ball that makes the rattle sound of a shaking spray can. (Al Seib / LAT)
West Coast Graffiti Party organizer Raul Frame signs a black book used for autographs as graffiti artists get together to spray paint on 6x12 foot canvas panels at a Caltrans facility located under the 134 freeway and I-5 freeway interchange. (Al Seib / LAT)
“Went” from Albuquerque signs a black book used to as an autograph book as graffiti artists get together to spray paint. (Al Seib / LAT)
TKID 170 from Bronx, New York, works on his canvas as spectators gather to watch. (Al Seib / LAT)
A portion of artwork spray painted by TKID 170 from Bronx, New York, as he works on his canvas. (Al Seib / LAT)
Sofa, who is from Albuquerque, New Mexico, picks his spray paint. (Al Seib / LAT)
Marquis Lewis, a 27-year old from Los Angeles also known as “Retna,” works on his canvas at a Caltrans facility. (Al Seib / LAT)
Nine-year-old Josh Garcia gets some tips on his artwork from Marcus Cheans of Victorville who came to watch graffiti artists create. (Al Seib / LAT)
PARTY ON: Graffiti writers Charlie, left, and King 157 spray paint their art onto canvases in the Caltrans yard. (Al Seib / LAT)
Green from Los Angeles works on his panel. (Al Seib / LAT)