
Letters: Parking ticket woes

Re “Parking tickets a hot issue,” Perspective, Feb. 16

I am a psychologist, and a few years ago I was leaving a shelter for homeless women in Los Angeles when an abused woman was brought into the shelter. I immediately sat with her to start a crisis healing process.

When I left and approached my car, I was being issued a parking ticket for exceeding the specified time limit on the street (I wasn’t parked at a meter). I pointed to the Good Shepherd Center and explained the services for abused women and that I was counseling a woman in crisis. As I was handed the ticket, I was told, “Sorry.”


The city pays a private company $86 million over five years to run its Parking Violations Bureau. We all should be ashamed to allow politicians to pull money out of our pockets with little or no accountability.

Kevin Flynn

Los Angeles


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