
End the war? Start the draft

Re “Bush’s draft dodge,” Opinion, May 26

The all-volunteer Army may have been formed in part to prevent adventuresome presidents from fighting unpopular wars, but the main reason for its existence is much more important: The all-volunteer Army exists so that people like Vice President Dick Cheney and President Bush do not have to waste their otherwise valuable time dodging the draft or pulling strings to get into the National Guard.


Simi Valley


The quickest way to end the Iraq war to is reestablish the draft. In 1967, when I graduated college and joined the Marine Corps, the draft was something every young man had to deal with. Whether it was to wait for the letter, go to graduate school, join up, find a friendly shrink or move to Canada, it was a decision that had to be made. When the war becomes less abstract, as it is in most American towns not located near military bases, opposition to it will become a genuine, personal issue. When every family is looking at their son (and maybe daughter) possibly heading off to deadly war, the resultant outcry will bring the country and the war to a stop. Then, perhaps, our troops’ patriotism, courage, dedication and training can be directed toward stopping terrorism, not attempting to police a local sectarian conflict.


Marina del Rey
