
Letters: Shamed by Zillow

Re “Zillow now lists homes in trouble,” Business, Oct. 26

As someone who helps homeowners of distressed properties, I was horrified to read that is now making information on properties that are in foreclosure easily available. This is not something these owners want to share with their neighbors, co-workers, friends or even family.

This is an emotional issue, and it takes a huge toll on people who get behind on their mortgages. Yes, the information is public and yes, if you want to take, the time to look it up, it’s there. But now this information will be available to children whose parents are trying to protect them from this harsh reality, nosy neighbors, co-workers, friends and even other family members.


For Zillow to say this is about “transparency” is disingenuous. Homeowners are already deluged with letters and phone calls from people looking to cash in on someone else’s misfortune.

Shame on you, Zillow.

Ann Mohr

Los Angeles


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