
Readers React: Mutual respect on the road will do a lot more than a three-foot rule for cylists

To the editor: The so-called three-foot rule is a nice gesture but of little practical value. Law enforcement has enough on its plate already without seeking to determine if a motorist violated the three-foot margin as legislated for a vehicle passing a cyclist. (“Drivers, start your eyeballs, the three-foot rule for cyclists is here,” Editorial, Sept. 8)

What is most important is the attitude of motorists and cyclists.

If a driver has any concern for others, he will operate his vehicle in a safe manner and give everyone on the road — other motorists, cyclists and pedestrians — proper consideration. I have been cycling on the streets of Los Angeles for more than 60 years and have observed that most motorists — not all, but certainly most — drive with appropriate care.

As cyclists become more common on our streets, the motoring public will become more accepting and aware of them, three-foot rule or not.


Louis Nevell, Los Angeles


To the editor: After reading this editorial, it occurred to me that this needs to be a “two-way street.”

In just the past few days while driving, I have found myself becoming more aware of bicyclists around me. Just as there are rules and laws that drivers need to follow for all of us to be safe, there are also rules for cyclists. But is anyone telling them?

In just a few days, I have noticed cyclists on sidewalks, going against traffic, riding across the middle of a busy street, disregarding red lights, talking on cellphones, listening to music with headphones and more.

This is dangerous for drivers and bicyclists alike. It is one thing to make drivers aware of the bike riders, but the bike riders must follow the rules of the road as well.


Patricia Wile, Sherman Oaks


To the editor: You mention that 22 other states have a similar law, but you fail to mention that some areas require bikes to be registered.

You recently hosted a conversation on cycling, driving and walking in L.A. called “Roadshare,” where there was an expression of concern about the lack of safety training for bicyclists. Also discussed was the need for licensing and registration, which, in California, is a local option.

Also important to note is that California has no law that prohibits or even restricts tandem cycling. As a result, two or more cyclists can ride side by side with impunity.


You state, “Cyclists also need to be held accountable when they break the rules of the road.” How do you see that happening when there is no licensing requirement? If I, as an automobile driver, fail to yield to a pedestrian in a crosswalk, I am subject to a severe fine and points on my license. When cyclists do the same thing, this doesn’t happen.

Where’s the accountability?

Walter W. Tuthill, Tarzana

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