
Readers React: The battle over the ‘right-to-dry’ heats up

To the editor: Kudos to San Fernando Democratic Assemblywoman Patty Lopez for her bill giving Californians the right to hang their laundry on clotheslines, and to Gov. Jerry Brown for signing it. (“Right-to-dry’s day in the sun,” Opinion, Oct. 15, and “California will be ‘right-to-dry’ state,” Column, Oct. 14)

I have never understood why some people are so fainthearted that they cannot abide the sight of laundry on a clothesline.

We Californians should save our dryers for rainy days and not waste our abundant sunshine.

Jean Koch, Los Angeles


To the editor: Hallelujah! Thanks for the passage of the bill that says landlords cannot prohibit our use of free and clean solar energy to dry our clothing.


Now let’s all beat an even broader path to clean energy: a carbon tax that is — more hallelujahs! — nonpartisan and market-based.

Laundry to-do list: Hang out the wash, then advocate for a carbon tax.

Ellen Chavez Kelley, Santa Barbara

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