
Readers React: Donald Trump’s bigotry serves him, but not the nation

To the editor: Donald Trump is brilliant in commanding attention and tapping into the frustrations of most people. His sound bites and constant use of the phrase “make America great again” — along with everything that evokes, including being kicked around, taken advantage of and so on — have been accepted as gospel. (“Donald Trump’s campaign: It’s less chaotic and more calculated than it looks,” Dec. 23)

Every move, every foul comment has served him well, regardless of criticism. For every person he alienates, he cements his position with others.

I see other Republican candidates as lacking the passion and focus to deal with today’s challenges. I see Trump as dangerous to the welfare and soul of the nation.


We are better than this. What a dilemma.

Sid Pelston, Marina del Rey


To the editor: Every time I read or hear of someone else proclaiming allegiance to Trump, I am filled with dismay.

Here is a man spewing intolerance and bigotry. He implicitly endorses violence as a way to preserve the perceived master race, and people are eating it up. By people, I mean those who feel that they are part of the “master race” but are getting a raw deal because of diversity and having to interact with people of different races and cultures.

There was once a man in Germany who thought the same way.

Is this the best we have to offer the world? I truly hope Trump and his followers are a wake-up call for the decent people in this nation to take action.


A person who does not give consideration to what he says or how he says it will do a great disservice to this country.

Doris K. Reed, Los Angeles


To the editor: As I watch the political campaign proceed, I become saddened by the number of people who cheer at the vulgarisms spewing from the mouth of their favorite candidate. Is this the kind of man that they would choose to lead their party when the world is in need of calm and thoughtful leadership?

The Republican Party should be ashamed of itself for remaining silent during these tirades. This is not what I hope for during my country’s time of need.


Ruth Blinick, Encino

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