
Opinion: The ‘law and order’ president’s pardon of Joe Arpaio could result in more lawlessness

To the editor: I wonder if the president believes that there will be no ramifications from the pardon of former sheriff and human rights violator Joe Arpaio, his suggestion that criminal suspects be roughed up, and his rescinding of the Obama administration ban on police departments securing military-style equipment. (“Joe Arpaio’s pardon defended by a ‘whataboutism’ that doesn’t hold up,” Opinion, Aug. 27)

These actions are certain to strike fear into the hearts of immigrants and minorities who have some justification to fear the police, who are now newly emboldened to oppress and to set the Constitution aside, knowing that the president supports them unconditionally. It is easy to predict that the result will be further estrangement of communities from the police, suspicion of officers, killings of criminal suspects and civil unrest.

The “law and order” president has sought to return us to the era in which police had unbridled power to engage in unjust displays of authority. His actions are certain to backfire.


Oren M. Spiegler, Upper Saint Clair, Pa.


To the editor: Andrew Cohen, who contrasts President Obama’s pardons with those of President Trump, would have had a much more difficult challenge defending Bill Clinton’s pardon of donor Marc Rich, but then condoning kickbacks for trading food for Iraqi oil and tax evasion is tough.

Equally tough is defending the domestic terrorists from Puerto Rico who were convicted of bomb-making and sedition but were subsequently granted clemency by Clinton.

But the whole goal of most media is to delegitimize Trump any way possible. Ergo, media credibility continues to suffer.


Mike Bennett, Rowland Heights


To the editor: I wonder how the citizens of Maricopa County, Ariz., felt about sheriff’s deputies racially profiling and detaining Latinos for possible deportation when real crimes were being perpetrated.

I’m a retired Los Angeles Police Department officer with more than 20 years’ experience driving a marked police vehicle. I’ve made many arrests involving felons and misdemeanor defendants. I’ve also impounded thousands of vehicles driven by unlicensed drivers and individuals who happened not to have identification.

As a police officer, I felt it was more important to search for those individuals committing real crime and not people who were here illegally and holding jobs granted by employers who hired them so they could pay less money.


By the way, how many employers did Arpaio’s department arrest for hiring undocumented immigrants?

Gary Weller, Valencia

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