
Readers React: Don’t let Kavanaugh’s opponents do away with innocent until proven guilty

To the editor: To answer Robin Abcarian’s question about whether we should want a man of Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s temperament on the Supreme Court: Yes, we do want this man as a justice.

It is terrible what happened to Christine Blasey Ford, and I do believe she suffered some sort of physical abuse when she was younger. However, that she claims Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her does not make him guilty.

In this country you are innocent until proven guilty. And it was made very clear that there were no other individuals who had supported her account. Sen Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), the Judiciary Committee’s ranking Democrat, could have raised the matter privately with Kavanaugh or, later, during the many hours of public and private hearings.


Please remember our constitutional rights, because I for one am not willing to idly have them overturned.

Tyler Davis, Redondo Beach


To the editor: Thanks to Abcarian for noting that a man who lashed out so angrily at Democrats should not be a Supreme Court justice.

I wrote to Republican Sens. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Susan Collins of Maine to express what Abcarian wrote in her column. I continue to hope that Ford or someone else takes legal action that will result in the compelling of testimony from another person who can help right this wrong.


Maybe then Kavanaugh, who will probably end up on the Supreme Court, will come to understand the difference between right and wrong as his impeachment process begins.

Darlene A. Pienta, Indian Wells


To the editor: This entire episode could have been avoided if Feinstein had brought Ford’s letter to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) when she received it.

She could have done this while retaining confidentiality. She chose not to do so. Why?

She could have discussed it with Kavanaugh. She chose not to do so. Why?

I would certainly prefer to have “this man” on the Supreme Court than Feinstein in the Senate. At least we can trust him.


Kevin Minihan, Los Angeles


To the editor: What kind of Supreme Court justice would a person be, who when asked what he thought was the best way to clear up a disputed allegation against him, answered that he would do whatever an obviously politically biased Senate committee thought was best to do?

Howard Rosen, Los Angeles

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