
Opinion: Living in L.A., he knows Trump is wrong

To the editor: I don’t agree with Trump on much, but this author inhabits a bubble.

He is cherry-picking statistics and has my head spinning with nonsequiturs. ( “U.S. in decline?” Opinion, Aug. 3)

L.A. is far more crowded that it was in the early ‘90.

The traffic everywhere is so congested that I chose to drive less. The drivers are worse: texting, phoning, incompetent, impeding, with unsafe lane changes for all.

L.A. has become the fourth rudest city in the USA.

William Crane, Chatsworth


To the editor: Conor Friedersdorf is just too cool.

Kathleen Collins, Santa Monica


To the editor: Friedersdorf’s opinion piece suffers from a selective use of facts to an extreme degree. There are indeed many strong indicators of a declining quality of life in the L.A. basin, much of it attributable to immigration.


There is growing neighborhood ethnic segregation, chronically clogged streets and freeways, and housing costs that are among the most expensive in the nation.

Angelenos do get along: by sealing off their communities and properties with walls and gates and thereby not engaging each other.

Blair Gibson, Torrance

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