
Opinion: Compared to past presidents, Trump is a foreign-policy success

President Trump delivers a speech in Washington on foreign policy and national security on Dec. 18, 2017.
(Mark Wilson / Getty Images)

To the editor: David Rothkopf loses all credibility by making the statement, “Trump is without a doubt the worst foreign policy president in American history.” (“Trump keeps making bad American foreign policy worse,” Opinion, Jan. 3).

We have had presidents involve America in the Bay of Pigs invasion, Vietnam and Iraq. Those must have been acceptable disasters to Rothkopf. I get nothing but pleasure watching the “best and brightest” of the foreign policy establishment thrashing about making statements such as the one above when those in power refuse to listen to their bad ideas.

For example, Rothkopf criticizes President Trump for actually doing something about Pakistan. Remember, this is the country that former CIA Director Leon Panetta said was either “involved or incompetent” when it came to Osama bin Laden living in a compound within its borders. We need to cut off American taxpayer support for Pakistan.


Furthermore, one would have to be deluded to think Trump’s support of the right-wing Israeli government scuttled the Middle East peace agreement that we were so very close to achieving.

Frank Salisbury, Buckhannon, W.Va.


To the editor: When Trump was with Billy Bush on that bus in 2005, he said he would grab women by their private parts. Trump and his fans said that was merely “locker-room talk.”

Now as president, Trump is saying he has a “nuclear button” bigger and more powerful than North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un’s.


Michael Flynn, at the 2016 Republican National Convention, led the crowd in “lock her up” chants, referring to Hillary Clinton. I think it is time for American people to rise up and say, “Lock him up.”

You don’t use “locker-room talk” to discuss nuclear weapons.

Robert Winkenhower, Victoria, B.C., Canada

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