
Letters to the Editor: Adam Schiff kowtows to the mob in pulling his endorsement of Jackie Lacey

Jackie Lacey
Los Angeles County Dist. Atty. Jackie Lacey speaks during an interview at her office in 2017.
(Mike Balsamo / Associated Press)

To the editor: As a registered Democrat of many years, I am flabbergasted by the spectacle of party leaders like Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Burbank) withdrawing their endorsement of Los Angeles County Dist. Atty. Jackie Lacey.

From bail reform to the handling of juvenile cases to increasing her office’s focus on mental health treatment instead of jail time, Lacey has made remarkable strides toward the goal of eliminating racial bias in the justice system.

The extreme left of the party aims to totally disempower the police by defunding the Los Angeles Police Department and other unrealistic measures. There are many Democrats, myself included, who are opposed to such measures.


We are in favor of reform in policing and the justice system. We are not in favor of lawlessness, anarchy in the streets and dispensing justice on the basis of an alleged perpetrator’s skin color.

Max Ludvigson, Culver City


To the editor: Commenting on Schiff withdrawing his endorsement, Lacey is quoted as saying, “As the first African American woman to hold the L.A. County D.A.’s office, I am proud of my record of taking on systemic racism and reforming criminal justice.”

Under which of these items does she include the 2016 prosecution and conviction of Black Lives Matter activist Jasmine Richards for “felony lynching”?


If prosecuting a BLM activist for felony lynching is her idea of criminal justice reform, Lacey does not deserve another term in office.

Lee Thompson, Hollywood
