
Letters to the Editor: Trump’s Orwellian doublespeak will keep Trumpism alive

President Trump waves to supporters from his motorcade in Washington on Nov. 14.
(Associated Press)

To the editor: The standout line in the op-ed article on dictators’ tendency to deny reality was the quote from “1984” by George Orwell: “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears.”

As an active member of the Orwell Society, I give my attention to anyone who makes a serious reference to the author, especially in today’s political climate.

This quote really explains a great deal about the Trump administration’s use of Orwellian “doublespeak,” beginning with the lies about the size of his inauguration crowd, continuing with his early assurance that the coronavirus will go away like a miracle, and finally with his current election meddling.


If a large number of the nearly 74 million Americans who voted for four more years of Trump’s disastrous policies believe the election was rigged, Trumpism will continue along with the racism, climate change denial and polarization that he promoted.

It was a fair election, and President-elect Joe Biden won with the same number of electoral votes that Trump garnered in 2016, which the president regarded as a landslide.

In 2016, Trump supporters screamed that he won, and we should just get over it. How about they get over it now?


David Milton, Laguna Beach


To the editor: Who exactly are those out of touch with reality? Certainly Trump is, as has shown us he is in tremendous self-denial.

So is the Los Angeles Times. It amazes me how pieces in your paper have repeated the assertion that democracy is at risk.

American democracy has indeed worked. Trump will be out of office on Jan. 20, 2021. Lawmakers are already beginning to act as if a new president is about to occupy the White House.


Comparing Trump to Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is ridiculous.

Gregory Sirbu, Redondo Beach
