

-- Jessica Garrison

Estancia prepares for homecoming

Estancia’s homecoming game is still a week away, but already many parents

at the school are having trouble containing their excitement.

On Oct. 22, Eagle Pride, the school’s newly formed foundation, will hold

its first (of many, parents hope) “Tailgate Party” for parents, students

and community members.

“The event is designed to provide an opportunity for Estancia’s alumni to

get together with their friends and to revisit their high school days,”

said George Cote, a founding member of Eagle Pride and a tireless

Estancia booster.

Megan Fay, student body president, urged school board members to attend

and even invited her archrival, Galel Fajardo, the student body president

of Costa Mesa High School.

Planned events include a short program where past and present teachers,

sports figures and school staff -- including new principal Tom Antal --

will listen to the band and watch the cheerleaders.

The festivities will begin at 5:30 p.m. in the parking lot of OCC. Enter

the parking lot at the Adams Avenue entrance. For more information, call

the school at (949) 515-6500.

Wilson Elementary seeking donations

Jenny Dory, English language development specialist at Wilson Elementary

School, is seeking donations to help her students learn English. More

than 85% of the school’s students are learning English and most come from

poor families.

The school needs music tapes, picture cards, nonfiction books and posters

in English. It is also seeking cash donations, computers and volunteers

to read with students.

Send materials to the school, 801 Wilson St., Costa Mesa 92627, or call

the school at (949) 515-6995 for more information.
