
Residents mixed on senior center, housing plan

Angelique Flores

FOUNTAIN VALLEY -- Developers for a senior housing project at the

closed Fountain Valley Elementary School met with the community last week

to hear their input about the plans.

The Fountain Valley School District and the city have been working

together to develop senior center and housing at 17911 Bushard St.

However, support from the residents for the $XXX-million project is

mixed, said Andy Perea, the city’s planning director.

“There was concern of whether or not there’s a need for a senior

center and housing,” he said.

Nearby residents raised concerns about traffic and congestion on

Bushard Street and that the proposed two-story units would not have

elevators, and the lack of privacy they will have because of the tall

buildings. Questions were also raised about the location and the

community losing a school.

“There are questions yet to be fully resolved,” said Steve McMahon,

the district’s assistant superintendent of business administration.

The district closed the school 12 years ago and is now leasing the

site to Rossier School and the French American School of Orange County,

whose leases end in June.

The developer, K.D. Housing Partners, has proposed demolishing the

existing structure and building a one-story senior center and 150

apartments and 50 condo-style homes, which will be two stories high, on

the 11 1/2-acre plot.

“The project has not been approved,” Perea said. “The plans are to

introduce the concept.”

The city expects to review K.D. Housing Partners’ plan next month. The

developer will consider, modify or explain modifications adjusted

according to the issues raised.

If the project is approved, the community could see a groundbreaking

in June 2002.
