
Watch former NFL player Ray Edwards get easiest knockout ever

Ray Edwards spent seven years in the NFL. But now it looks like he’s found his true calling.

After being cut by the Atlanta Falcons back in November, the former defensive end has returned to a sport he dabbled in during the 2011 lockout -- boxing.

And judging from a cellphone video of one of his recent matches, Edwards may have a real future in the sport. He knocked out his opponent in roughly 13 seconds after throwing just one punch.


Of course, it might have helped that he was fighting some pudgy dude who came up to his chin. And that the guy flopped like no one has ever flopped before.

Seriously, that punch came closer to hitting those of us watching the video than it did Edwards’ opponent. Like one person in the crowd says, “This is a pretend.”

But for all we know, Edwards had nothing to do with the actions of his opponent, who had every right to be terrified out of his mind.


So let’s just enjoy a very funny video, be happy no one was hurt and wish Edwards the best of luck in his new line of work.


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