Politicians and facial hair
Al Gore grew an “exile beard” after his razor-thin loss in the 2000 election. Despite such examples of statesmanlike beards as Abraham Lincoln’s, facial hair is viewed somewhat suspiciously inside the Beltway. Another example of fuzzy thinking among D.C. politicos? Perhaps. (Manuel Bruque / Associated Press)
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is one of the rare Washington insiders with a full-on beard, one that creeps down his neck and looks like it’s about to escape down his collar. While contemplating trimming interest rates, he might consider pruning the facial fuzz. (Alex Wong / Getty Images)
New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson caused a minor stir when he shaved off his beard before being tapped for President-elect Barack Obama’s Cabinet. At a press conference, Obama expressed regret over Richardson’s decision to lose the whiskers: “I thought that whole Western, rugged look was really working for him. (Charlie Neibergall / Associated Press)